
Analysis Request Form

I have read and accept privacy policy

Please click here for the PDF version of the Analysis Request Form.

Any information about the sample you have forwarded to our laboratory will not be shared with third parties based on customer confidentiality, but you will be informed when the information needs to be made public.

Any deviation from this mutual agreement at any time will be notified to you.

If the analysis to be performed in our laboratory is not included in the scope of accreditation, it will be indicated with a (**) sign.

If your analysis will be done by a subcontractor, the analysis will be marked as (***) and the subcontractor's test report will be sent to you.

If the legal authority wants to reach information about the customer without the knowledge of the customer, the customer is informed in cases where it is not prohibited by the legal legislation, but the customer is not informed in cases where it is prohibited by law.

The declaration of conformity to be submitted to you (will be made in the form of suitable / unsuitable or passed / failed.

A simple decision rule is used for the challenge test. Legislation, product or test standard requires declaration of conformity in the laboratory report; evaluates that it is not appropriate or not appropriate.

When an experiment or calibration is requested on an item accepted by the customer to deviate from the specified conditions; A waiver statement is signed by the customer showing which results may be affected by deviations.

If you have any complaints, you can request a complaint form by calling the laboratory at +90 216 324 85 75. Or you can write your complaints to support@skopbio.com email address. Upon receipt of your complaint, our GP 709 Complaints procedure will be sent to you. You can find information on how we evaluate complaints in the relevant procedure.

You can request price information about the requested analyzes from our company.